Create Your Own Smart Bookmarks In Firefox

Create Your Own Smart Bookmarks

Firefox Bookmarks
Firefox Bookmarks

Firefox keeps a record of sites you visit often, and generates a list of “Smart Bookmarks” that you can create your own list of smart bookmarks using custom queries instead of URLs as well. Right-click on the Bookmarks toolsbar and choose New Bookmark. Use a descriptive name for the bookmark, and under Location, enter one of the queries below (whichever suits your fancy, or tweak them to get the results you want):

• For your 10 Most Visited Sites:

• For your 10 Most Recent Bookmarks:

• For your 10 Most Visited Sites with “thinkdigit” in them:

Here’s all the information you need to build these queries:
sort options
0- Natural bookmarkd order
1- Sort by title, A-Z
2- Sort by title, Z-A
3- Sort by visit date, most recent last
4- Sort by visit date, mos recent first
5- Sort by URL, A-Z
6- Sort by URL, Z-A
7- Sort by visit count, ascending
8- Sort by visit count, descending
9- Sort by keyword, A-Z
10- Sort by keyword, Z-A
11- Sort by date added, most recent last
12- Sort by date added, most recent first
13- Sort by last modified date, most recent last
14- Sort by last modified date, most recent first
17- Sort by tags, ascending
18- Sort by tags, descending
19- Sort by annotation, ascending
20- Sort by annotation, descending

queryType options
0- Search only History
1- Search only Bookmarks
2- Search both

maxResults is the maximum number of results you want.

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