Getting PHP & Form variable in different operating system

Why Windows code does not working in Linux and Unix or Linux code does not working in Windows and Unix.

This is the most frequently asked question in PHP. While running a PHP document in Windows we get the form variable by either GET or POST method. For which we use the following code:

$name=$_POST[“txtName”]; or $name=$_GET[“txtName”];

While using the same code in Linux and Unix you will get a error message. To solve this problem or to run a PHP page in a different operating system without any errors, first declare the GET variables and POST variables globally using the following code.

if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)){
while(list($name,$value)= each($HTTP_POST_VARS))
$$name=$value ;
if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)){
while(list($name,$value)= each($HTTP_GET_VARS))
$$name=$value ;
if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS)){
while(list($name,$value)= each($HTTP_SERVER_VARS))
$$name=$value ;
if (isset($_FILES)){
while(list($name,$value)= each($_FILES))
$$name=$value ;
if (isset($_SERVER)){
while(list($name,$value)= each($_SERVER))
$$name=$value ;

Use this code in every page or declare it in the common page and include the common page in every other PHP page.


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