Finally ready to clean my weblog on wordpress

Finally I’m ready to clean my weblog after long trial given to my blog.

Actually why I need to clean up is that, I have given lots core code twiks on earlier version and there are some problem on All in one seo plugin, that it didn’t show Title over right on my home page my all on one seo plugin. I tried to fix lot but its make other code to damage.

I’m sorry for the unconvinced. I think it will take around an hour to set up .

I’m waiting desperately for the new release of wordpress 3.0, to the fact it’s very important to upgrade and there are lots of new and interesting feature, I have written about this on earlier post.

ok, Now I will say what preparation I have done before, cleaning up by wordpress blog. Actually Im going to drop all the wordpress file and setup with new wordpress 3.o .  Although its easy to upgrade directly from wordpress dashbord but it dint solve my all in one seo home page problem. So I’m gong to install fresh copy of new release of wordpress.

Before doing cleanup I’m doing complete backup by exporting xml from wordpress tool and importing it to my localhost wordpress setup. Important things to consider while exporting and importing is make sure that all ur plugins are installed on localhost wordpress and activited. With this it will import all the cause on that plugin on database.

But I have problem regarding guestbook . It dint update (import) guestbook entries . So I have done manual transport form database directly.

Ok now everything is imported to my localhost. Now Im going to make my site down for around 20 min , I apology for that. but my static page (unicode, nepali calendar, date converter) will function well, bcs, its outside of my cms.

ok guys I’m shutting down my site now. See u after 20 min.

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