About amazon cloud storage

Today the popular company called amazon launch its amazon cloud storage. Amazon do this silently, there was no any rumored about  this new service, the other company like apple and google are rumored to launch the cloud store but this is now live my amazon, that is great idea.

Amazon cloud storage has 5 GB of free space available. You can upgrade to $1/GB like 20GB, 50GB etc.

You can upload any data from music file like mp3 to any document files. It’s an awesome idea to store data on cloud. Even you can listen the music on build in browser which is like itune player. The music you buy from amazon get automatically backed up on cloud.

Amazon cloud can be access from any where thorough Internet, you can listen stored music from android based mobile phone using amazon mp3 application. But the most annoying thing I found is that I cant access it in UK. Currently its for US customers only.


amazon cloud

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