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Best E-Learning platforms for students in Nepal

Due to Covid-19, the schools all over the world have been shut down for some time. This has brought the use of online learning platforms into a better light. The country is slowly going back to its normal state with physical classes being open as the days are going. But we cannot be certain that a new wave of the Covid-19 will not be hitting Nepal again. A new wave of Covid-19 would mean more lockdowns which consequently can cause the students to lose on a lot  of study time.  During the lockdown, the schools did try their best to give online classes to the students. Even so, a little bit of extra help to further the studies of the young is always welcomed. So, with that in mind, we have made a list of the best e-learning platforms in Nepal.

Before we start this list, we must mention that the list is not ranked with accordance to it being the best or the worst. The list is compiled solely for the information and not for the ranks. So, without further a do, lets get into the list.

My Second Teacher

My second teacher is a global name when it comes to online education. The award winning platform developed in Nepal has been accepted by thousands of Cambridge Schools all over the world. The platform includes dialogue based videos between students and teachers. The interface of the platform is immersive and aids the students greatly in learning and understanding the topics.

Furthermore, the platform provides the students with video materials based on the syllabus of the respective class. The platform also allows the students to generate the test paper of available subjects on their own as well. The students also get a mentor service 24/7. New features such as eBooks and group chat are under development.

The registration process for the platform is quite simple as well. Simply Click the “Register” button, then enter your credentials. After successfully completing the steps, log into the platform with your credentials.  After you have logged into the platform, you will be able to see a list of available subjects in the subject menu. The website currently offers subjects such as Math, Science, English, and Economics to the students in Grade 10. We anticipate that various other courses and subject are going to be added in the future.


Mero School

Mero School is also a platform made in Nepal. The e-learning platform gives the students a huge array of academic subjects from conventional to contemporary studies. The platform is very easy to use. Furthermore, the platform offers not only school level courses but also materials for engineering majors as well as graphic design and illustration classes.

You are only able to join the courses after you have registered on the site and enrolled in it. The platform also has paid as well as free content available.


Midas eClass:

Midas is yet another Nepalese made brand for online education. The platform provides students with a broad range of curriculum based materials. Midas eClass even has various sets of animated videos that make the learning experience for the students more enjoyable and interactive.  Moreover, if the students are unfamiliar with a topic, the students can ask a question and receive a response, which the platform dubs as “You ask, We Answer”.

Students can take various quizzes on each topic and participate in various discussions related too each chapter through a tab dedicated to discussions. Furthermore, the students can request a set of questions, appear on it, and check the answers to see if they are correct.

The registration for the platform is rather simple as well. The students need to register and access the content of Midas eClass via their website or the Android platform.


Neema Academy:

Neema Academy is a  Nepali ed-tech company that has the  aim of digitizing the education system of the country. The platforms contains a wide range of courses including courses from elementary to secondary school. The platform also tracks your progress in an  enrolled class, save your notes, and create a study plan based on your needs.

The platform also allows you to take live tests for the subjects in which you have enrolled. Additionally, the platform also provides the students with the opportunity to play games all the while learning various courses.

The platform has both paid and free of cost content. Neema Academy is available on both Android and iOS platforms.



Kullabs is a portal for Knowledge sharing for both teachers and students. The key goal for kullabs is to make knowledge available and accessible to everyone.

As the website is trying to provide the information to a broad audience, the website is free to use for everyone. The website is filled with some of the best e-learning materials.  The content available in the website is available for students from  grade 6 through grade 12.

Notes, recordings, exercises, and practice assessments are also present as a part of the course curriculum in the platform.

As of writing this article, the platform is  still under progress. We believe the platform will be able to get its hype after more contents are added  to the website. You can find the platform in the Android App store or access it through their website.


Fuse Classroom:

Fuse classroom is an AI powered learning platform. The platform is developed by the Fusemachines. The aim of the platform is to help transform universities and colleges into online learning institutes.

The platform enables the use of AI for online live classroom experiences, tutoring powered by AI, tracking the progress of students and more AI features besides all these.

AI is considered to be one of the best changes that can happen in the future. Use of AI in the education field allows the ease of not having to completely be reliant on real life teachers. This also allows a faster and more responsive answers to any questions the students may have.

As the world is slowly trying to go to its normal state, and physical schools are reopening, the use of these platforms may lessen. But we always need to be cautious for another wave of the Covid-19, thus, using these platforms  may be beneficial even in the future.


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